Category Archives: Sleep Disorders

New Study: Sleep Disorders, Health, and Safety in Police Officers

A  new study of Police Officers in the U.S and Canada found 40% of police officers had symptoms of a sleep disorder, the most common being obstructive sleep apnea.  The officers were more likely to be burned out, depressed or have an anxiety disorder. They committed more administrative errors and safety violations and were more prone […]

The CPAP Alternative for Sleep Apnea

Problems with breathing during sleep usually start many years, if not decades before the patient is motivated to seek answers to the question:  “What’s really going on here”!? The most common 1st sign of a sleep apnea is snoring. Snoring is most always ignored by the patient for years until many of the other medical […]

Sleep Apnea a Risk Factor for PTSD?

That was an observation made by one of the researchers after reviewing the results of a recent study conducted at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC. PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Though the study was not designed to gather that type of data and cannot support that conclusion, the question remains. […]

What Does Sleep & Sex Have in Common?

Less Sleep means Less Sex! Getting a good night’s sleep is a thing of the past for most adults which leads to poorer health, lower productivity on the job, more danger on the roads and — a less vibrant sex life, an eye-opening new survey shows. 75% of the respondents to the National Sleep Foundation poll […]

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