If you’re depressed and snore most nights, quit taking pills and get a sleep study to rule out obstructive sleep apnea!
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The treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea is, pardon the pun…a growth business!
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Routine snoring is the #1 sign of obstructive sleep apnea and will only increase with the passage of time. You can’t keep doing what you’ve been doing, expecting a different result! Click here to learn more.
These two authors successfully adapted to the CPAP machine, unlike 50% to 80% of the population and good for them! However, it’s too bad they didn’t research and provide more information on the #1 alternative recommended treatment to CPAP, oral appliance therapy, other than just mentioning it in their article. Kudos to them explaining the hassles and hidden costs of acquiring a CPAP though. I suspect they will be writing an article on oral appliance therapy at sometime in the future when they tire of using the CPAP everywhere/everytime they sleep.
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The gadgets are good at letting you know something isn’t right about your sleep, but that’s it! The gadgets are saying “go to the Sleep Doctor” to get the answers!
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Almost half of all patients with diabetes also have obstructive sleep apnea!
So the next question would be the age old “Chicken or the Egg” question.
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