Is Hitting Snooze (Once, Er, Maybe Three Times) Bad for Your Health?
If you’re hitting that snooze button a lot, you’re not getting good sleep. Could it be undiagnosed sleep apnea?
- Posted on: Apr 5 2019
If you’re hitting that snooze button a lot, you’re not getting good sleep. Could it be undiagnosed sleep apnea?
Obstructive sleep apnea has become so widespread that your eye doctor is being trained to look for symptoms in their patients in an effort to save lives.
50%-80% of patients given CPAP to manage sleep disordered breathing, refuse to wear the device as instructed. This has resulted in electronic compliance monitors being placed in the machines to determine if you really are following “doctor’s orders”! Armed with this compliance data, your insurer may deny coverage.
Oral appliances don’t snitch……yet!
Put “the machines” away if you want to sleep!
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